I'm Dozy Jones (dozy as in sleepy), or doz for short.
I didn't know this community, or any community around Last Exile for that matter, still existed , so even though I feel I'm a bit late to the party, I'll tune in anyway! I think I watched LE for the first time in 2016 and fam like a year later. Needless to say, I ended up liking it a lot and found a copy of the 砂時計の旅人 manga (It's the only manga I have...), the soundtrack on CD and the scale model vanship . So here I am ^-^
Last Exile has had a pretty major impact on my life I guess. I even whispered to myself "To the Sky" when I got accepted for Aerospace engineering in uni.
Aside from that, I'm a freelance cg artist, I work on a hydrogen powered car, I run a small company building websites and I like doing sports. I also make music and enjoy listening to stuff a lot ^-^
I'm currently working on two (somewhat related) Last Exile projects, so I'll be sure to make a small thread on them

Doz out!