Hi everyone! I'm cgChick and I'm a big fan of Last Exile, moreso the first series than Fam. I finally decided to join this board after stalking Tara's dreamwidth for about a year now. Now that both anime are done I love to read the latest releases of the series through Tara's blog, be they light novels or art books or whatever. I especially love Tara's blog because her comments are absolutely hilarious and she's willing to translate a ton of stuff that would never make it over to the west otherwise. I love her commentary and I hope they release more LE supplemental material like a new manga just so I can read Tara's amusing thoughts.
Not much to say about me except that I live in New York City and Lavie is my favorite character.
Also omg hiii, I'm always so HAHAHA and glad whenever anyone actually remembers or knows my journal exists. IT MAKES THE BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS OF SOME OF THE STUFF I'VE PUT ON THERE WORTH IT THOUGH (the stuff I did anyway since some of it is only half or part me since there are other awesome people who have TLed and scanned in stuff ♥). And as usual I need to get off my ass to do more and add more. But I'm so glad you decided to join!
So I hope you have fun here whenever we have anything hopping (I should throw up some discussiony stuff one day maybe idk, to try to get some balls rolling).
But man I'd love more supplemental material too if only because there are still so many things in the series that are like ???????????
Also omg hiii, I'm always so HAHAHA and glad whenever anyone actually remembers or knows my journal exists. IT MAKES THE BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS OF SOME OF THE STUFF I'VE PUT ON THERE WORTH IT THOUGH (the stuff I did anyway since some of it is only half or part me since there are other awesome people who have TLed and scanned in stuff ♥). And as usual I need to get off my ass to do more and add more. But I'm so glad you decided to join!

But man I'd love more supplemental material too if only because there are still so many things in the series that are like ???????????
Eeeee hi Tara! Oh are you near NYC too? Dude I'd totally be up for a LE nerd party at a random cafe in Manhattan sometime haha.
And yes I think your blood, sweat, and tears are totally worth it. You're quite literally the only LE news source that I've found that's actually up to date (post-Fam) and relevant. And the commentary you do keeps me coming back for more, because I LOL so much at everything you write. I think the best line I've read on your blog is something along the lines of "Claus Clausing".
The fact that you do all those posts on your blog is a testament to your supreme awesomeness, your blog is pretty much the only place I can get my LE fix these days. Gonzo needs to get off its ass and release more supplemental goodies. It's kind of amazing to me that for an anime released back in 2003 (and 2011 for Fam) that there is still so much supplemental material coming out. Time for another reboot IMO! They should do something like Last Exile: Dio's Reckoning or something totally epic like that. Dio could rule the world and Claus could be his general... BWAHAHAHA!!!
And yes I think your blood, sweat, and tears are totally worth it. You're quite literally the only LE news source that I've found that's actually up to date (post-Fam) and relevant. And the commentary you do keeps me coming back for more, because I LOL so much at everything you write. I think the best line I've read on your blog is something along the lines of "Claus Clausing".
The fact that you do all those posts on your blog is a testament to your supreme awesomeness, your blog is pretty much the only place I can get my LE fix these days. Gonzo needs to get off its ass and release more supplemental goodies. It's kind of amazing to me that for an anime released back in 2003 (and 2011 for Fam) that there is still so much supplemental material coming out. Time for another reboot IMO! They should do something like Last Exile: Dio's Reckoning or something totally epic like that. Dio could rule the world and Claus could be his general... BWAHAHAHA!!!
WHAT ANOTHER NYC PERSON WHAT HELLO. 'w'!!! Welcome to you too and I hope you hang around I'M GONNA TOSS UP SOME MORE STUFF ... SOON. To make things fun and so people can come check the forum and actually maybe see UPDATES and THINGS TO REPLY TO WOW.
But I'm also glad people are finding this place randomly through looking for the artbooks. (and yes that DOUJIN SCREECH. It's all up raw and I am halfway done with a scanlation project that I should finish myself since I lost the TLer for it.)
But I'm also glad people are finding this place randomly through looking for the artbooks. (and yes that DOUJIN SCREECH. It's all up raw and I am halfway done with a scanlation project that I should finish myself since I lost the TLer for it.)
YES HELLOTara wrote:WHAT ANOTHER NYC PERSON WHAT HELLO. 'w'!!! Welcome to you too and I hope you hang around I'M GONNA TOSS UP SOME MORE STUFF ... SOON. To make things fun and so people can come check the forum and actually maybe see UPDATES and THINGS TO REPLY TO WOW.
But I'm also glad people are finding this place randomly through looking for the artbooks. (and yes that DOUJIN SCREECH. It's all up raw and I am halfway done with a scanlation project that I should finish myself since I lost the TLer for it.)
I definitely plan on hanging around !! EXCITED FOR NEW STUFF TOO just because this series gets me really emotional and wow so glad there's a place like this 10/10
(I wish there was a place like this for Terra E too WHELP)
man originally I was desperately searching for LE art books at kinokuniya (to no avail) bless you and bless this website
but wow no oh my god that doujinshi was just what I needed to satisfy my lucciola/dio needs...or so I thought because tbh theres not enough lucciola/dio to satisfy my aching heart 3: AND I'VE BEEN DYING TO READ THE SCANLATION. I cant wait. vibrates furiously// plus I also wanted to upload a few of the pages from it (you know which ones HEH. WINK/ NUDGE NUDGE/) onto my nsfw blog but I wasn't even sure how to credit it properly to the author?? authors???? two names??? two authors????? SHRUGS/
Saying me too is kind of a moot point but I lol'd at this because sometimes I sit around and hold my face and internally weep over this series.zander wrote:this series gets me really emotional
Haha yeah the Kino here, as great as it is, still lacks in less-super-popular series. I dunno if it works for artbooks but I've gotten my hands on some of the manga through their order system. Which reminds me I need to scan those. I'll do that soon since I picked up the attempt to try scanlating the rest of Fairy Chess after this thread (it's hilarity, especially since a lot of TL help guides and translators aren't so good when it comes to making some of the sex talk clear because of what they're talking about).zander wrote:man originally I was desperately searching for LE art books at kinokuniya (to no avail)
And oh man for credit I don't even know. IT WAS MENTIONED IN ONE THREAD... actually HERE YOU GO about stuff like doujin works and posting them and such. It gets confusing and murky the older the doujin is, especially since the aliases and sites given are long gone for credit stuff.

I AGREE AND I ... troll the internets for everything, including occasionally throwing JP fic into translators to see what's up. I have a folder of fanarty stuff I can zip up if you ever want it (actually I technically have two; one being DioLucci shippy/together stuff and the other being fanart of either of them individually ... more than two if you count the group and Guild fanart they're in. I have crazy folders to try to sort my fanart.)zander wrote:tbh theres not enough lucciola/dio to satisfy my aching heart
And haha man now I wanna set up maybe a sticky post in this section for a general (and optional where applicable) friendly add post to link tumblrs and blogs and gchats/other chatty accounts to add people on-- since in my case a lot of them are just me crying over LE.
LOL too true. Although in my case it has to do more with all the open-ended plot threads. I'm a big Claus/Lavie fan and the way they just left that open ended, even in Travelers, was like... huh? I mean I know romance isn't supposed to be the focus of the series, but if that's the case then why introduce all the plot threads around romance only to just forget about them? I know the Japanese love subtlety but this is a bit much.sometimes I sit around and hold my face and internally weep over this series.
MANGA?!?! EEEE!!!! Scan them scan them scan them! I wanna seeeee! Now you have me insanely excited! More translations? *explodes from happiness*I dunno if it works for artbooks but I've gotten my hands on some of the manga through their order system. Which reminds me I need to scan those. I'll do that soon since I picked up the attempt to try scanlating the rest of Fairy Chess after this thread (it's hilarity, especially since a lot of TL help guides and translators aren't so good when it comes to making some of the sex talk clear because of what they're talking about).
Oooooh that sounds like a GREAT idea! I know I keep your Dreamwidth blog bookmarked in case you ever update and that has a lot of great links on it as well. Gonzo seriously needs to do a third LE series that takes place immediately after Fam. Just have Claus recover and then he and Lavie and Dio can dog fight it out some more against that Earth Guild which WTF-randomly disappeared after Travelers. I mean, according to your translation of that novel where Claus gets pwned by Dio, it sounds like his leg bones were just shattered by bullets (ouch...) so it's not like a permanent spinal injury or anything.And haha man now I wanna set up maybe a sticky post in this section for a general (and optional where applicable) friendly add post to link tumblrs and blogs and gchats/other chatty accounts to add people on-- since in my case a lot of them are just me crying over LE.