walks back into this thread 40 years late with Starbucks!!!!!!
- This took way too long! I have had a whole doc full of stuff I detective'd out since right after the event. I am sorry!
- There was no live dramas like the former events and nothing too super amazing and new anyway. Still though, again, I am sorry for the long gap! But here I am finally!
Anyway, again, these are from various sources of summaries so it's scattered!
- Director Koichi Chigira
- Fam's seiyuu, Aki Toyosaki
- Dio's seiyuu, Noda Junko
- Atamora's seiyuu, Tetsu Inada
- Moderator is producer, Mr. H. (Hiroyuki Birukawa I assume)
The guests tried some of the drinks. (Roshanak's wine, the three cocktails inspired by Ades, the planet and sky pirate ones, and Vincent's warship coffee)
- Noda: It's a sake!
- Tetsu: (when trying the coffee) It tastes like a normal coffee! When I get sleepy later on in the night, it'd wake me right up!
- Noda: I'm going to fly in the sky with the sweetness of Blue Hawaii and the freshness of lemon! (talking about the sky cocktail) I thought it would be better to hand it to Fam, but blue is me!
- Aki: The twins will be the guests tomorrow, but I don't want Ades (the Ades drink)! So I'll have the (earth inspired) one.
- Moderator: Because I have a grandpa (Sadri), I thought Ades would be a good try.
- Aki: Look at these, they're beautiful! (referring to the coasters that came with the collab drinks)
- Tetsu: Is the coaster different each time?
- There was some banter between the Moderator and Chiaki about drinking (alcohol?) and Noda made some remark about not being able to say what's not in the script. (?? idk)
Then there was some talk about Fam's 5th anniversary.
- Chigira: Five years? It's like a flash. I watched the movies and DVDs (and then he says something about looking back on his own progress and moving forward)
- Aki: It doesn't feel like 5 years have passed. I feel that Fam is flying somewhere. There was also a movie. I will be 30 years old and I joined Fam's dubbing when I was 24. (then she mentions the awesome cast, "especially Kayano-san!" (Millia's seiyuu))
- Tetsu: Fam was her debut.
- Noda: She also has an appearance in NHK!
(Aki and the Moderator talk about when she first came in to dub the first PV for Fam. Chigira thinks back on it too, Aki makes a joke about being scared of having a "demon director" but he (Chigira) is very kind. )
(Noda mentions as time goes on, it moves faster, talks about having a drink with Kazuyuki Okitsu during the dubbing of the movie and talking about how it felt like one year had passed when really close to 5 had. And she mentions that when she puts herself into dubbing Dio she doesn't feel the time pass.)
(Tetsu mentions it's his 15th career year, mentions Kayano (Millia) does a lot of "daughter" roles? Idk)
Q: Why did Dio get white lilies for Fam's birthday?
(Chigira mentions confirming the answer to that question with people already. Apparently listened to opinions and suggestions of the staff to incorporate it into the setting? In the script Dio wasn't specified to have that flower. They talk about it being MOE, and also because it's on Quebec's flag it has a meaning of independence. (There's a summary note here about it possibly being different because they didn't seem 100% sure on that independence meaning. He tries to remember Millia's full name and Aki basically SAYS THE WHOLE THING. Anyway Chigira mentions something about Dio bringing the flowers in and they kind of represent Millia being independent on the Silvius.)
Q: About the Kartoffel communication stations being taken over by Ades. (I think this may be about that broadcast Luscinia makes at the end?)
(Aki says something about a radio and Luscinia taking over, so "pray for good tail winds" became "Gloria Augusta." IDK about this one)
Q: Dio, who lost Lucciola is still flying in the sky alone...
- Noda: Because I only have one friend! There are Immelmann and other important friends, but only Lucciola can be behind him (meaning the seat on his vanship).
- Aki: There was also the time where Fam was on board. Since I saw the first Last Exile series, I understood the relationship between Dio and Lucciola so understood the weight of getting in that seat.
- Noda: (There's some banter here with Aki about loving the first series and being a fan of the director, but I can't get it that clearly). Back to the question, Dio would say "Even though I can't see him, Lucciola is always here." Lucciola is an important person in his life. So it's okay for him to fly freely through the sky.
(I don't know what the next question is asking specifically or if it's some kind of vague joke considering what Tetsu answered. But he answered that his hat was suffering, and he brought the hat for Atamora (during the event, he was wearing a cowboy hat similar to what Atamora wears in the series). Went on to talk about styling his hair was hard so a hat was easier, Noda mentions a lot of hats were there during dubbing. I DUNNO RANDOM HAT QUESTION)
Q: About Buddy
- Tetsu: It wasn't animated, but Atamora thought Kaiser was important. When I looked up [Toshihide Tsuchiya] was doing the voice of Kaiser!
- Aki: Giselle got very upset when Millia was flying behind Fam. Millia and Giselle are different types, but they were both good buddies. Fam is a happy child with many important people.
- Chigira: From the time I made the first Last Exile, I said that I would like to showcase the feelings between (sets of) two people. I'd like to keep a buddy theme in the future as well.
Noda: (joking) We look forward to hearing from you! Third season!
- Moderator: What do you have to say to the twins, our guests tomorrow?
- Aki: (Fam voice) Luscinia! If you're an adult, take responsibility!
- Moderator: Since I'm not going to be here tomorrow, I'll pass that on to tomorrow's moderator. (laughs)
Then like previous events, they did LINES FROM THE SERIES.
- Noda does the birthday song (because of course).
- Tetsu does a line from the scene between Atamora and Fam in episode 16, makes a remark about being father and daughter.
- Then they talk and make some jokes. Aki and Noda laugh about the daughter remark, they talk about how recording they don't hear anything so hearing the end result with the music is emotional. Noda make a joke about not needing that for the birthday song since it doesn't need a background track.
They had some kind of GIFT LOTTERY for the fans there. Of like signed stuff from Range Murata and etc.
And that's basically the day 1 stuff! Day 2 stuff coming soon~
Last Exile Night 4
Oh yeah I went back to look. It seems I meant updates as in updates ABOUT the event before they ceased just prior to starting. Anyway, I hope to get the second day up shortly!Corny wrote:Oh, wow – I just remembered that you wrote something about end of updates and thought that'd be itThanks for coming back in here with the translation!
- Director Koichi Chigira
- Luscinia's seiyuu, Kazuyuki Okitsu
- Alauda's seiyuu, Masaya Matsukaze
- Moderator is "Mr. I" (NO IDEA TBH)
Okitsu had on glasses, but a sticker over the eye like Luscinia's eyepatch lmao.
- Chigira: The air (atmosphere) is different than it was yesterday. There are many fans of these two.
- Matsu: Yeah, yesterday it was the air of [Aki]'s fans!
- Okitsu: Don't say that! Now it's going to spread to Twitter!
They make a joke/reference to what Aki had said the day before. Which, fore reference from the last post:
- Moderator: What do you have to say to the twins, our guests tomorrow?
- Aki: (Fam voice) Luscinia! If you're an adult, take responsibility!
- Moderator: Since I'm not going to be here tomorrow, I'll pass that on to tomorrow's moderator. (laughs)
Okitsu talks about how Tetsu wore a hat for Atamora much like he has the sticker over his eyeglass like a patch for Luscinia. And then they make a joke about the "take responsibility" message and joke about "what, what a proposal?!" (for reference, it's a joke about how that line is used in anime/I guess other fiction sometimes as a way to being up proposing)
The guests tried some of the drinks for this day as well. (Roshanak's wine, the three cocktails inspired by Ades, the planet and sky pirate ones, and Vincent's warship coffee)
- Okitsu: This is my drink choice! Blessings to those who fight. (his drink was the Ades cocktail)
- Matsu: The coasters are nice! (he then makes a crack about they're adults so can drink, but people are physically flying vespas, so shouldn't drink, right? But in the air they don't have sobriety tests)
- Okitsu: Well, there are foods too!
- Matsu: The meal scene(s?) in the show is/are impressive.
Okitsu takes the paper eyeband attached to his glasses.
- Okitsu: Now I can see in three dimensions again. (then to the audience seats) who wants an eyeband? (so I'm assuming he flung his own into the audience or possibly had a few of them to do that with?)
- Matsu: What? What? People actually want these shabby eyebands?
Then there was some talk about Fam's 5th anniversary.
Okitsu jokes about how over five years he grew a beard and put on some weight, notes Chigira's shorter hair (he says it's because it's annoying when it's longer and he plays baseball).
- Okitsu: There were a lot of difficult words in the audition. Like "rudraksha" (prayer beads) and so on.
- Matsu: I talked a lot in one episode. Aside from that, not so much.
- Matsu: When we do the dubbing, it's still in an unfinished state. But it's beautiful later when you watch Fam, The Silver Wing. Alauda hardly talks, though!
- Okitsu: Even though he's around a lot!
A fan there had a fan-made paper fan with Alauda on in that they call out liking, asking her to show it to everyone and asking her when she made it (which was after the last LENight event).
Q: (First question was something about the nickname "demon eyepatch for Luscinia?)
Apparently it's something to do with the fake thing Okitsu was wearing over his glasses? He says since it's setsubun, it was easy to find and he just got it at a convenience store.
Q: Is there something like the Trial of Agon regarding the Ψ forehead symbol?
- Chigira: I asked Range Murata. He said he did not forget to draw a mark on Luscinia's forehead. I think the Trial of Agon is something that Delphine started. (He makes a reference to Teito Monogatari by Hiroshi Aramata here). (From this he mentions the idea of poisoning animals/insects? and getting them to attack each other until one remains, and her wanting to do that with humans). So in that development, Dio is the one that survives (the trial).
- Okistu: Whattttt? That's such a scary thing!
- Chigira: Well, since the Earth Guild is more friendly than Delphine, we came up with twins to protect Maestro Farahnaz. The idea of "Buddy" is that two people are more powerful, but "twin" is more "back and forth" with two people alone. So the way Fam and Luscinia follow their paths is different. They're both wearing a single earring, so it was probably Murata's idea of "twins."
(Then there was some banter/joking about when they got those earrings/piercings, about quarreling on who got it on which ear).
(Then there's some talk about thinking Luscinia had a marking and it was just covered by his hair, but Range Murata confirmed he doesn't have one, which led Chigira I believe to assert he "abandoned" the Guild in a way and tried to be human? In order to try to save a helpless world. And how Alauda remained "a sword without a heart" aka continuing to be a Guild person, so the sign on his forehead remained).
LINES FROM THE SERIES: (......? Or maybe this is requested things since it's not series lines but also no ... requests here so IDK?)
(Matsu makes a joke about him only having like "4 lines in the whole series!")
(I'm not sure off the top of my head WHICH scene this is, but a scene where they're talking and a bug is flying around behind Luscinia? Matsu jokes about "Luscinia, there's a bug on your shoulder!" and Chigira jokes it's a fan).
(Then there's something about connecting with hearts and minds no matter how far away, and they start going "Luscinia~" "Alaudaaaaa~!" back and forth).
GIFT LOTTERY happened again, 10 people got the special Last Exile 2012 calendar drawn by RM that he released back then.
And that's pretty much it for day 2, so there's the whole thing!
No special live dramas this year, sadly, but still a fun event from the sound of it!
- Director Koichi Chigira
- Luscinia's seiyuu, Kazuyuki Okitsu
- Alauda's seiyuu, Masaya Matsukaze
- Moderator is "Mr. I" (NO IDEA TBH)
Okitsu had on glasses, but a sticker over the eye like Luscinia's eyepatch lmao.
- Chigira: The air (atmosphere) is different than it was yesterday. There are many fans of these two.
- Matsu: Yeah, yesterday it was the air of [Aki]'s fans!
- Okitsu: Don't say that! Now it's going to spread to Twitter!
They make a joke/reference to what Aki had said the day before. Which, fore reference from the last post:
- Moderator: What do you have to say to the twins, our guests tomorrow?
- Aki: (Fam voice) Luscinia! If you're an adult, take responsibility!
- Moderator: Since I'm not going to be here tomorrow, I'll pass that on to tomorrow's moderator. (laughs)
Okitsu talks about how Tetsu wore a hat for Atamora much like he has the sticker over his eyeglass like a patch for Luscinia. And then they make a joke about the "take responsibility" message and joke about "what, what a proposal?!" (for reference, it's a joke about how that line is used in anime/I guess other fiction sometimes as a way to being up proposing)
The guests tried some of the drinks for this day as well. (Roshanak's wine, the three cocktails inspired by Ades, the planet and sky pirate ones, and Vincent's warship coffee)
- Okitsu: This is my drink choice! Blessings to those who fight. (his drink was the Ades cocktail)
- Matsu: The coasters are nice! (he then makes a crack about they're adults so can drink, but people are physically flying vespas, so shouldn't drink, right? But in the air they don't have sobriety tests)
- Okitsu: Well, there are foods too!
- Matsu: The meal scene(s?) in the show is/are impressive.
Okitsu takes the paper eyeband attached to his glasses.
- Okitsu: Now I can see in three dimensions again. (then to the audience seats) who wants an eyeband? (so I'm assuming he flung his own into the audience or possibly had a few of them to do that with?)
- Matsu: What? What? People actually want these shabby eyebands?
Then there was some talk about Fam's 5th anniversary.
Okitsu jokes about how over five years he grew a beard and put on some weight, notes Chigira's shorter hair (he says it's because it's annoying when it's longer and he plays baseball).
- Okitsu: There were a lot of difficult words in the audition. Like "rudraksha" (prayer beads) and so on.
- Matsu: I talked a lot in one episode. Aside from that, not so much.
- Matsu: When we do the dubbing, it's still in an unfinished state. But it's beautiful later when you watch Fam, The Silver Wing. Alauda hardly talks, though!
- Okitsu: Even though he's around a lot!
A fan there had a fan-made paper fan with Alauda on in that they call out liking, asking her to show it to everyone and asking her when she made it (which was after the last LENight event).
Q: (First question was something about the nickname "demon eyepatch for Luscinia?)
Apparently it's something to do with the fake thing Okitsu was wearing over his glasses? He says since it's setsubun, it was easy to find and he just got it at a convenience store.
Q: Is there something like the Trial of Agon regarding the Ψ forehead symbol?
- Chigira: I asked Range Murata. He said he did not forget to draw a mark on Luscinia's forehead. I think the Trial of Agon is something that Delphine started. (He makes a reference to Teito Monogatari by Hiroshi Aramata here). (From this he mentions the idea of poisoning animals/insects? and getting them to attack each other until one remains, and her wanting to do that with humans). So in that development, Dio is the one that survives (the trial).
- Okistu: Whattttt? That's such a scary thing!
- Chigira: Well, since the Earth Guild is more friendly than Delphine, we came up with twins to protect Maestro Farahnaz. The idea of "Buddy" is that two people are more powerful, but "twin" is more "back and forth" with two people alone. So the way Fam and Luscinia follow their paths is different. They're both wearing a single earring, so it was probably Murata's idea of "twins."
(Then there was some banter/joking about when they got those earrings/piercings, about quarreling on who got it on which ear).
(Then there's some talk about thinking Luscinia had a marking and it was just covered by his hair, but Range Murata confirmed he doesn't have one, which led Chigira I believe to assert he "abandoned" the Guild in a way and tried to be human? In order to try to save a helpless world. And how Alauda remained "a sword without a heart" aka continuing to be a Guild person, so the sign on his forehead remained).
LINES FROM THE SERIES: (......? Or maybe this is requested things since it's not series lines but also no ... requests here so IDK?)
(Matsu makes a joke about him only having like "4 lines in the whole series!")
(I'm not sure off the top of my head WHICH scene this is, but a scene where they're talking and a bug is flying around behind Luscinia? Matsu jokes about "Luscinia, there's a bug on your shoulder!" and Chigira jokes it's a fan).
(Then there's something about connecting with hearts and minds no matter how far away, and they start going "Luscinia~" "Alaudaaaaa~!" back and forth).
GIFT LOTTERY happened again, 10 people got the special Last Exile 2012 calendar drawn by RM that he released back then.
And that's pretty much it for day 2, so there's the whole thing!