Over the Sky | Image Gallery | Artbooks | Last Exile Aerial Log | 028


Left: 5 year old Dio & 6 year old Lucciola
Middle: Pilot suits
Right: Dio's Ceremony robes

Text under screencaps:
Delphine's appearance caused turmoil within Dio. He was just one step away from the ritual of adulthood... If it passed Dio by, there was a possibility to maybe get true freedom...

The quality time spent with Lucciola gave Dio a sense of peace. And Lucciola responded to Dio's feelings. Then, having a birthday party with his friends was one of the best times in his life.

Upon completing the mission, awaiting a Dio who was in high spirits ... was Delphine. Dio couldn't help hitting Lucciola in his feelings of frustration and despair.

The ritual of adulthood killed Dio's free mind, leaving no trace of his former, bright self. However, Lucciola still faced off against his brother in order to save Dio.

Though Dio had his heart and his memory taken away, Lucciola did not forget those happy memories even at the end. Lucciola's feelings reached Dio's heart.

Bottom text:
Episode 17 - "Making Material" (DVD Volume 9)
The scene where he strikes out at Al expresses the depths of Dio's anguish about his birthday.

Episode 20 - "Grand Stream" (DVD Volume 10)
The scene of the warm birthday party was the last moments of peace. Ethan's original birthday song is also a highlight.

Episode 23 - "Castling Lucciola" (DVD Volume 12)
Despite the exchange of his life, Lucciola fighting Cicada in a flowing-like elegant duel is an outstandingly excellent scene.

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